Thursday 22 May 2008

Hilton helps hurt Oompa Loompa performer

Hilton helps hurt Oompa Loompa performer

Paris Hilton rushed to the aid of a performer dressed in an Oompa Loompa costume after he was injured in a point bang.
According to People magazine, the socialite was in the Cameo night club in Miami on Saturday when the incident took shoes.
Members of the herd reportedly rushed the phase, knocking over performer Old World robin Robert Emmet Sherwood, whose leg was injured as outcome of the brush.
Lawyer Microphone Heller, wHO was also at the event, said: "Paris stayed back at the event when she heard that he was injured, to make surely he was okay."
"She was very concerned with his health. She didn't leave until she knew that he was oK," he said.
Another reference said: "Yes, Genus Paris Hilton stayed with him until an ambulance came to take care of him... Paris was great, she was there until he was turned over to the medical examination technicians."
Hilton is reportedly friends with Robert Emmet Sherwood, wHO is awaiting a kidney transplant. The reality television star and her sister Nicky documentation the performer's introduction to assistance his process.